
Incoming Postal ATC from Andria @ Drawing Near

Incoming ATC from Andria at Drawing Near. I'm mailing out my ATC trade to her this weekend. I'll post the one I made as soon as she has received it.


Outgoing: to Test Tower at the 4th Dimension

Now that Test received this envelope, I'm going to post it now. It seems my ATC skills are top of the game at Heebee Jeebeeland, which just tickles me purple. He posted about it here.


Outgoing: Bosch Mail Art Call

I previously posted about working on the collage for my entry to the Bosch mail art call and how it was creeping me out. Well, I finally finished it and it will be mailed out this weekend. I'm happy with how it turned out and happy to be sending it far, far away...

(color flash, a bit exaggerated...)

Final scan:

(the actual tones are very subdued and "fuzzy")

Reverse side of the collage:


Incoming: Brain Cell #861 - Tiki Post

Brain Cell #861. Mine hasn't come in the mail yet, but I was able to snatch a sneak peek via IUOMA's Brain Cell Compilation group.

My Tiki Post stamp is smack dab in the middle of this Brain Cell. I sent Mr. Cohen individual hand-cut stamps for this one. Each one a different color wash. It was a lot more work than just stamping stuff on an envie and sending it out, considering I sent 100. I wonder what Mr. Cohen's preference is? 

It fascinates me how he gets the stickers/labels all precisely in the same spot on each Cell. 

I only recognize a couple other fellow mail artists on here. A lot of new stuff this time. 

Incoming: Giveaway Winner from France Papillon

My mom actually tipped me off to this giveaway that France Papillon was hosting on her blog for pages from an 1898 agenda with impeccable penmanship.

I was lucky enough to be a winner!! I received 4 folded pages of the agenda. They were large pages and wonderfully aged and the handwriting is divine. I did share a page with my mom as she was the one who got me to sign up for the giveaway in the first place. :)


Incoming from Red Letter Day

Another pleasurable mail day! Received a reply from Jennie @ Red Letter Day. I now know that this mail art postcard is a result of Jennie's passionate relationship with Mr. Rosback. If I could touch Mr. Rosback in the privacy of my own home, I would never leave.  :)

I had sent Jennie a postcard with various artistamps, which included some Elvanore editions. She is rightfully intrigued. I will reply with some Elvanore lore. May have to make a mini-zine about it. Still percolating...