
Incoming from Test Tower

Exciting day here at Poeticpaper Post. Incoming mail art postcard from Test Tower. I've seen the "screw it" artistamp across the interwebs and loved it when I saw it. I'd always "rather be making mail art", also! A wonderful addition to my coveted collection. No strings attached; makes me smile!

I've been intending to send some mail art out into Heebee Jeebee land for a while now. He beat me to it!!

Thanks, Test! I'll create an appropriate reply this weekend.


Bosch is creeping me out

Reading Heebee's post today re: the Museums of Instant Image's Bosch mail art call reminded me that I have a pic to share of my collage in process for this particular call. I stopped messing with the collage for a little while. It now has a lot more detail than what is shown below. But, I found I had to take a break from working on it. My collages are creative vision work boards for me. Usually what I focus the collage on comes to fruition. And this collage was just plain freaking me out.

I like how it's evolving, and I think it matches Bosch's vision(s), but I needed to step away from it before continuing...

Outgoing for 8th Annual Anything Goes

Contribution to the 8th Annual Anything Goes mail art call/exhibition. The 7th Annual Anything exhibition can be found here.


Incoming from DKA Post

I have admired the artistamps of DKA Post for a while now. I've seen DKA in BrainCell and at various mail art blogs around the web. Every time I see her mailings, I oogle them. It was about time I sent her some mail! (To get mail, you must send mail).

I sent her an ATC print of my Hannah Hoch collage and some of the new issue of Pegasus Postale artistamps.

She sent these in reply:

(lovely envie! It's hard to see in the scan, but the Femail Issue postmark is fantastic.)

(the above elicited a major squeal from my inner stamp geek)

(another squeal! I've been collecting my own license plate spottings for some time now. However, I'm always in the car driving, so I've never been able to snap a photo of any of them. Love this issue!)

(notecard reply with a nice note from D. on the reverse.)



I've held on to the postcard above for a while now. When I came across Val Herman's Phone Box mail art call, I thought it was a perfect fit. Thinking about how my daughter would have no clue what half of the stuff is on here, I added "the kids say "What?!?" and added a few more comments from there. Even the telephone is a foreign image to her, as represented here. She only video calls her friends. 

I also found it interesting that this postcard is a reproduction of an "Indian Educational Chart". Produced when??

And below is an outgoing to BrainCell. It's currently at No. 857. So, I'll likely miss out on No. 858. My next goal will be No. 868 and then (crossing my fingers) I can align the timing to make it onto No. 888 (my current Mail Art goal). I think I'll create a special artistamp for that issue in hopes of upping my odds.


Incoming from J. Block

Outgoing: to Anke @ Snailmail Magazine

I sent her my In the mail zine (2010) and an issue of Poeticpaper Post (2011) - ((note to self, make more zines!))

Anke was quick to post that it was safely received

Anke's drawings are lovely (check out her Etsy store) and I'm always excited to make a new snailmail friend!