
Incoming: Stan Askew

My first incoming from Stan Askew. Every time I have seen his art pop up on various mail art blogs and documentation, I oooooed and awwwwwed. Stan has been on my TBM (To Be Mailed) list for years (um, it's a long list...).

I oogled his entry at the mail/art/book exhibit in San Francisco. Didn't realize he was in attendance until I read about it on the HeebeeJeebee blog. Perhaps he saw my comment I left in the 4th Dimension because next thing I know, a Stan Askew envy-lope is in my mailbox!

Made my day! Thank you!


Incomings: February & March

After my trip to San Francisco for the attendance of Ex Postal Facto, so much great, quality incoming mail has delighted my mailbox! My life motto is "Quality, not Quantity". But man, when I can have Quality AND Quantity, that just really floats my boat!
(Gina Visione - front - recv'd 3/4/14)

(Gina Visione - front - recv'd 3/4/14)
I am behind in my replies as I'm stepping up my mailart game and putting more thought and design into my pieces as a lot of my new correspondence cohorts are people who are uber active within the Network and I would not want to disappoint. 

The lovely thing about mailart is anything goes. So I know internal pressure is unnecessarily being imposed on myself. However, it's more of an attempt to stretch my creative wings rather than to "impress".

It's kind of like my method of house cleaning. My daughter knows that if I'm cleaning the house, it means we have company coming over. It is not 'normal' for me to clean. I enjoy having a reason to clean, most of the time I don't. So I don't.

XPF Postcard Party!

I spy Stan Askew!!
I have my own goings on with my art (zines, various collages in different stages, ideas for artistamps). Most of my creations contain my own personal inside jokes, because I amuse myself, or are emotional purgings. But, when I receive something in the mail that I really admire, I'd like my reply to be in line with what I know the other mail artist enjoys. I reach for common ground and start from there. Sometimes it still ends up being mono-symbolic, but I do reach for it to be something that can be universally interpreted, or at least enjoyed and relative to the eye of the beholder. 

CM Bennett (front)
CM Bennett (back)
I think what I'm aiming for in this rambling is that it takes time for these new creative ideas to percolate. Or, if I'm creating a collage for a particular person, it takes time for the perfect papergoods to be found or to land in my lap. Having a reason to step outside of my normal creative routine in order to find a relative reply to an admired fellow artist, helps me to raise the bar in my own artistic flow. 

From Harrison, fellow LWA member
As with the majority of mail artists I know, I send my art into the mail system without expectation of reply. I send it for the hell of it. Because I like to practice letting my art be liberated throughout the universe. Yet, I enjoy the correspondance. I do reply to my Incomings, whether that same day of receipt, or months and months from now. Those that I still need/want/desire to respond to are listed in my handy-dandy Google Drive spreadsheet. Even though I'm behind on my correspondancing, at least I'm organized and know who I have replied to and who I haven't.  

Being detail-oriented and organized allows me the freedom to be chaotically creative. And to not have to clean the house that often!


Upcoming blog topics (in no particular order):
Incoming from Stan Askew
Cavellini documentation & exhibits
Friends & Faux Postage
Incomings from Cascadia Artpost
Incoming Artistamp Sheets


Nearing my Current Mail Art Goal

Well, it is in the hands of Mr. Cohen at this point. Brain Cell is currently at issue #884. I sent mail out to Japan on March 3rd, March 17th, April 2nd and April 16th.

I was not included in issue #884, so I hope this bodes well that my four mailings will get me included in Issue #888, which has been my goal for a looooooong while now. For over 100 issues, at least. I did my best to time it in sync.

I didn't create a special artistamp for the issue, as I previously mentioned. One, I wasn't sure it would align with the issue I made it for; don't want to assume. Also, the time crept up on me, and I'd rather have something on #888 than spend time making something special and getting it put on #889.

So, the waiting begins.

Here are some of my previous mailings to Brain Cell:



Fluxus Buck (front)

Fluxus Buck (back)

Also, I am getting caught up on my Incomings (FEB & MARCH) and will be posting about those soon. But, since I am Blogging Without Obligation, please don't hold your breath! :) 


The Green Whiskman

(loved the incoming envie almost as much as the collage!)

(Here he is in all of his glory. The Green Whiskman mono collage, 
originally created for Nick Bantock's book, The Forgetting Room)

(Here the Whiskman sits in his new environment, my kitchen)

Nick recently downsized his house and had a "cleaning out" sale once he got to his new space and needed the room. Unfortunately, I missed out on the sale of his rubberstamps (can you flippin' imagine how awesome his stamp collection was/is?!?) But at least I was able to purchase an original piece. I felt akin to Lester Burnham in American Beauty. "...I've always wanted and now I have it. I RULE!" 

"Keeping Posted" c. 1949 by Elvgren. 

While I'm showing you my mail-themed kitchen, here is "my Girl", as I affectionately call her. 

Elvgren painted a few other postal-themed girls, which I hope to add to my collection one day. But, I fell in love with this one first and she will always hold a special place in my heart.